Add this delicious pecan praline fudge recipe to you list of fudge recipes that you make for Christmas or when ever you make fudge. The candy is made in a pan and then poured into a 9 inch pan. We had a different recipe but the site it was from has closed down.
This recipe is from Land O lakes. f you are like me and you collect fudge recipes then you may like some of these recipes. Coconut Oil Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe, Sugar Free 3 Ingredients Peanut Butter Fudge, 3 Ingredient Freezer Fudge Maple and Walnut Freezer Fudge or Delicious Lemon Fudge From The Microwave Recipe. With this assortment of recipes you can make fudge fast, sugar free and even healthier depending on when and for whom you are making the candy.
The coconut oil fudge is really good in summer because you keep it in the fridge so it is nice and cold when you eat it. The lemon is done so fast and I keep it in the fridge too. It is perfect for a treat when it is hot outside. So choose your favorite and enjoy fudge that suits you.