Natural RemediesPeppermint Pine Healing Headache Salve Recipe

Peppermint Pine Healing Headache Salve Recipe

The peppermint pine healing headache salve recipe should be gently rubbed into the temples and back of neck to relieve migraine headaches and ease feelings of nausea and anxiety.

Peppermint Pine Healing Headache Salve Recipe

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For headaches, we rely on aspirin and sleep. But for some, salve is an alternative way of curing those ills. It is more natural and the ingredients are detailed in getting certain herbs and flowers and how to infuse it in oil.


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1/2 oz. of Beeswax (Buy here from Amazon)

1/2 oz of Shea Butter  (Buy here from Amazon)

2 tablespoons of Pine Needles  (Pick them off a tree)

1 ½ Tablespoon of Sunflower Oil  (Buy here from Amazon)

25 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil  (Buy here from Amazon)

2 tablespoons of Mint leaves finely minced (Grow them or buy at grocery store)

Metal Tins that you pour finished salve into (Buy here from Amazon)


1. To start, mix the dried mint leaves and pine needles with the sunflower oil. After infusing them, drain the oil and store it in a cool place six months before mixing in the salve. Shake the jar every 2 weeks.

2. After the waiting 6 months, combine a ½ cup of the sunflower oil, shea butter and beeswax in something heatproof. Put the container into a small pot with water and place the pan over a medium-to-low heat until the beeswax mixture melts.

3. Then, remove it and mix in the infused oil. Slowly, without letting it drip, pour the mixture into a few clean prepared jars.

4. Depending on a soft or firm salve desired, just melt the mix and mix a tad more beeswax or a bit more infused oil.

With peppermint pine healing headache salve, this natural remedy for headaches will be rubbed into your temples and forehead. The salve should last from 6 to 9 months, if kept in a cool place that is away from the sunlight. This will salve will soothe the pain away, it is effective.

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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