ChickensPerennial Garden That Helps Feed Chickens Continuously

Perennial Garden That Helps Feed Chickens Continuously

The perennial garden that helps feed chickens continuously is a selection of plants that build up the health of the chicken flock, improves the taste of eggs while satisfying their hunger.

Perennial Garden That Helps Feed Chickens Continuously

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It is no secret that chickens are a great addition to virtually any family’s food source. From a backyard in the city limits to a homestead of many acres, these birds provide eggs, meat and entertainment with minimal effort.

Of course, one of the many reasons we opt for chickens is concern for our health and knowing what is-or isn’t- in our food. Raising our own poultry gives us peace of mind and clean food, but we also need to provide these things in a cost effective manner.

Organic chicken feed is now fairly available no matter your location. In most areas quality organic or nutritious feeds are readily available, but the prices can vary and, if your family is anything like mine, any way we can save a few bucks is good with us. If it’s a healthier, fresher alternative as well, so much the better.

We’ve done the research for you, allowing your wallet and the flock get to reap the rewards. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the premade dry chicken feeds, but there are health benefits, and flavor preference, for all things fresh.

With our list of perennials, you can plant once and save loads of green while the flock enjoys a healthy, garden fresh “salad” of their own, for years to come.



Siberian Pea Shrub


Russian Olive

Sea Buckthorn






Save scratch with this endless salad bar for chickens by wild food foraging ….. better yet plant them.

Click here to read about how to plan a perennial garden that helps feed chickens continuously:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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