Medical & HealthWhere to Pinch on the Body to Stop The Bleeding

Where to Pinch on the Body to Stop The Bleeding

Learning Where to Pinch on the Body to Stop The Bleeding is valuable knowledge that can save your life, someone you love or even a stranger.

Where to Pinch on the Body to Stop The Bleeding

A major loss of blood can lead to death. Quickly finding the spot of the wound can quickly lead toways on being able tostop the blood loss and save the person’s life. If the body bleeds profusely, there is a risk of shock and organ failure because they won’t have blood to pump in and out. Then, symptoms show the person being very twitchy and moving their arms and legs, as if they are panicking. Breathing will be quick and contrived with multiple sighs and gasps for air. Feel and measure the pulse rate to estimate how much longer before the body shuts down and dies. Symptoms of internal bleeding can be found with these same symptoms and no blood seen.

If there is any blood coming from the mouth, the person should be laid down on their side or with their head tilted forward. Bleeding around the nose and mouth could drain back into the through and lungs and they can choke to death.

Where to Pinch on the Body to Stop The Bleeding

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Another move would be to lay the person and raise the injured area above the heart level to slow blood flow; if it’s a bone fracture, don’t do this. When it comes to bandaging, ithas to be tightened, then loosened when the bleeding stops so a new bandage can beput over the dressing. There may be an extra layer placed over if the blood soaks through. Shock will be seen in this whole event, but it is important to stop the bleeding and send the injured to the hospital.

The Homestead Survival has many articles about first aid, natural healing and ways to help improve your health.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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