UncategorizedPlant PERENNIAL Garden That Comes Back Every Year

Plant PERENNIAL Garden That Comes Back Every Year

How to plant a perennial garden that comes back every year as a way to feed family through edible landscaping. Most homestead gardeners are always looking for a frugal investment that returns every year without having to buy vegetable seedling starts again or repeatedly.

Plant PERENNIAL Garden That Comes Back Every Year

When it comes to growing a self-sufficient garden, growing year-round vegetables should always be listed. It is always important (and quite interesting) to see crops come in the spring, with virtually no work done. Having foods ready to consume that don’t need a lot of care always helps. Just be aware of where they are planted.

Horseradish is a vegetable that be grown all-year round, but is harvested more in the spring. Some of its roots can be replanted, but their roots can regrow. Rhubarb is another strong vegetable to harvest because it is a diverse plant that can be prepared and cooked in many interesting ways. Rhubarb can be planted in spring or autumn. The Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable that iseasily nurtured to grow using tubers. They turn up sunflowers in the summer, but this kindis seedless.







Hardy kiwi





Perennial Herbs – mint, oregano, thyme, winter savory, clary sage and lavender


Jerusalem Artichokes

Apple Tree

Wild Perennial Food – sorrel, stinging nettle, winter purslane, dandelion, fireweed, wild roses, duckweed, cattail, ramps, chicory, ground cherry, bamboo and clover.

Some herbs, like mint, oregano, winter savory, and lavender, are deep in mulch over the wintertime to grow in the later time. Garden chives also have work well, being grown in the spring for homemade meals. Then, there are strawberries, raspberries, and other types of berries. Cover them with a heavy type of mulch over winter to protect them until the spring. They are very easy to grow, but grapes require a lot of time, about 3-4 years to let it formulate. Finally, there are apples trees that can be growing to make wine, applesauce, juice, and other foods.

Click here to read about how to plant perennial garden that comes back every year:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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