Great article from Backdoor Survival on using potassium iodide. She has done a fantastic job of researching and sharing what she learned about how potassium iodide works and how to use it in case of a nuclear incident.
I had not thought a lot about having potassium iodide, I guess I had the mind set that we would be taken care of in a nuclear scenario but when I saw this Fed Biz Opps request for 700,000 packages of potassium iodide I had to wonder why. Also when you think about how that last major catastrophes have been handled it begins to make sense to be prepared with your own potassium iodide. I remember the last hurricane, some of the fema and red cross offices were not even open. So I guess I should not expect to be “taken care of” and should order my own potassium iodide. This article is helpful on how to use it if and when that may become necessary.
Backdoor Survival