Learn how to predict winter weather using persimmons. Have you ever heard of The Farmer’s Almanac? If you have then you know folks have been following it for years for the advice they offer. According to their about us they have been offering “tide tables for those who live near the ocean; sunrise and planting charts for those who live on the farm; recipes for those who live in the kitchen; and forecasts for those who don’t like the question of weather left up in the air.” All of this and since 1792.

In this article from Off Grid Quest you will learn the rules of the persimmon seed test per the Farmer’s Almanac. I had never heard of this test before but I found it quite fascinating. It seems the shape of the seed will let you know what weather to expect in the coming winter. If there are no persimmon trees near you may be able to find them in the produce section when they are in season. You can usually find them in the fall and early winter. Along with finding out how to predict winter weather you will also find a recipe for making persimmon pudding which looks amazing.