This simple method of how to prepare homesteading pasture for fall livestock grazing will help you learn how to maintain the sustainability of the land.
It comes down to simply six steps in a checklist:
1) Take a quick rundown of the pasture.
2) Move livestock (cows, sheep, horses, goats, Free range chickens) to new pasture.
3) Look for any bad spots in the pasture where grass growth was poor.
4) Take soil samples to test it’s strength.
5) Cut mature summer grass to create new grass growth.
6) Re-seed grass in late August using high quality seeds.
Improve grass growth by cutting weeds and trees. Use a rotating mower hooked to a tractor and mow er sits six to eight inches high with vegetation at one length to make growth of good grass. After mowing, it should be easy to spot the bad area in the pasture, but test the soil first to know its nutrients. Then, give the soil the nutrients is needs to improve vegetation. After reseeding, let it rest for one month before letting the livestock back on to graze again.
Know the field’s limitations, such as lack of rainfall, fencing, or those weeds that haven’t been mowed out. Livestock needs are simple, such as protein and minerals in their diets to be strong and survive. The livestock can’t get every nutrient needed from what is given to them, so, they need to be enhanced when they need more energy. Give a high-quality mineral and purified water to all livestock.
The secret to its sustainability is to learn, work, and simply maintain the pasture. It takes a lot of time and effort to provide quality vegetation for the livestock and maintain it all perfectly.
Click here to read about simple method of how to prepare homesteading pasture for fall livestock grazing: