Primitive SkillsPreparedness Survival Skills Lessons for Kids

Preparedness Survival Skills Lessons for Kids

This preparedness survival skills lessons for kids day long event was successful in exploring different primitive skills such as fire making, water gathering, wild food foraging and much more. Each child took turns testing their hand at each skill.

Keeping our children entertained while teaching them at the same time is a challenge. We want them to learn survival skills they may need to know in case of an emergency while in the wilderness or just to be more in tuned with nature.

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Preparedness Survival Skills Lessons for Kids

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As you will read below, that’s exactly what this family did with their kids as they took the lessons they were learning from one popular survival tv show and using those skills in practice. It is all about knowing the basic skills of survival should they ever find themselves lost in the wilderness.

Keeping yourself healthy and hearty until you found your way out or you are rescued from the unknown terrain is key to your survival. Having your kids learn these basic skills will help them greatly as they learn to make their own shelter, find some food through roots and plants, start a fire, gather water (sanitize it) and other key elements that will serve them well if they are somehow separated from you in the woods.

It is simply amazing what they can learn through these types of Tv shows that they would want to put into practice, even us parents can learn theses survival skills ourselves.

Click here to read about preparedness survival skills lessons for kids day long event :

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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