ChickensProtecting Your Chickens From Hawks

Protecting Your Chickens From Hawks

If you are a poultry owner, you surely know all too well that predators are the most ever-present threats you need to deal with. You are worried about opossums and raccoons that can climb fences and walls and get to your birds.

And then there are squirrels and snakes that steal eggs and coyotes and foxes that carry off your hens. You often focus most of your attention on those crawling, running, slinking, and creeping creatures that most of the time, you forget about those dangers that are literally overlooking you – the aerial predators.

According to Ana Hotaling, the owls, one large group of these aerial predators, are mainly nocturnal. They hunt on your birds when they have been locked up inside their coops during nighttime. This is in spite of the claims of several chicken owners who reported that they experienced chasing away owls during daytime.

However, hawks love to prowl mostly when the sun is high up in the sky. With all the different hawk species out there, poultry owners are bound to be near at least one. Make sure that your birds don’t end up as fast food for the unwanted drop-in guests through following some useful suggestions on how you can keep your flocks protected from hawks.

Kelly of Homestead Familia has some useful tips on how to protect your chickens from predatory hawks to keep your poultry safe and secure.  If all else fails in deterring the hawk you can apply for a permit to kill the hawk or an owl for that matter if it is trying to kill your chickens according to Backyard Chickens and you can apply for a permit to do so at

Read about protecting your chickens from hawks…..

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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