HolidaysPumpkin CLeaning Super Tip for Halloween Jack O Lantern

Pumpkin CLeaning Super Tip for Halloween Jack O Lantern

This Pumpkin CLeaning Super Tip for Halloween Jack O Lantern will make scooping out your pumpkins for each kid simple and even a bit fun.

Pumpkin CLeaning Super Tip for Halloween Jack O Lantern

In 2 minutes, an entire pumpkin can be easily cleaned out. Simply, get the following: a power drill, a knife, and a mixing beater.

First cut the pumpkin’s top off (stem included) and simply remove all of the seeds and gut-like stuff from the roof.

Now, comes the main part of going for the rest of the inside. As a precaution, stick the pumpkin on two 2×6 wooden boards to hold the pumpkin down during the process.

Otherwise, get someone to hold the pumpkin with their hands. Next, stick the mixing beater in the drill and turn it on. Spin it completely around the entire sides to pick up and clean the gut-like stuff out from inside.

Start from the top down as the drill-mixing beater goes around and around the pumpkin. Either throw it in the bin or go and find the seeds that can be baked.

To get rid of all of those strings and loosen stuff from the beater, grab the knife, put it along the beater, and glide it carefully down to cut it all off. Once it’s cleaned, go inside again with the drill to clean and get rid of any inside stuff till it is completely empty.

With the top of the beater, make a smallnotch inside of the pumpkin’s floor, where it can be placed with a candle. It is a good use to make a homemade Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween.

Place LED lights inside the carved pumpkins by drilling out a small hole to let all the cordscome out from the bottom and into the outlets.

Click here to read about this Pumpkin CLeaning Super Tip for Halloween Jack O Lantern:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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