Queen Anne House Is Being Given Away Absolutely Free
This 4,878-square-foot Queen Anne house is being is being given away absolutely free to anyone willing to pay to have it relocated from a lot in Riverside California. Now it must be moved to make way for a new dormitory for a nearby college. It is a five bedrooms and it has two and half bathrooms.
This house has lots of lavish features:
Mahogany staircase
Fireplace mantels carved from maple and oak – some are as high as 7 feet tall
The exterior – a mix of Queen Anne and Stick styles
Most of the interior original woodwork remains intact including window and door frames and hardwood floors.
It has intricate spindlework, decorative clapboard, fish-scale siding, embellished vertical and diagonal cladding and a band of decorative shingles beneath the third-story window
The beautifully craved staircase is enough to make anyone fall in love with this home.
Embellished golden wall panels