UncategorizedQueen Anne House Is Being Given Away Absolutely Free

Queen Anne House Is Being Given Away Absolutely Free

 Queen Anne House Is Being Given Away Absolutely Free

This 4,878-square-foot Queen Anne house is being is being given away absolutely free to anyone willing to pay to have it relocated from a lot in Riverside California. Now it must be moved to make way for a new dormitory for a nearby college.  It is a five bedrooms and  it has two and half bathrooms.

This house has lots of lavish features:

  • Mahogany staircase

  • Fireplace mantels carved from maple and oak – some are as high as 7 feet tall

  • The exterior – a mix of Queen Anne and Stick styles

  • Most of the interior original woodwork remains intact including window and door frames and hardwood floors.

  • It has intricate spindlework, decorative clapboard, fish-scale siding, embellished vertical and diagonal cladding and a band of decorative shingles beneath the third-story window

  • The beautifully craved staircase is enough to make anyone fall in love with this home.

  • Embellished golden wall panels

Click the below website link to read more of the lavish features and TAKE A TOUR inside the house

This old house

Click here to read the article about This Queen Anne House Is Being Given Away Absolutely Free:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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