DIY raised bed herb garden. Simple construction was used and just ordinary lumber because they rent and didn’t want to invest in expensive wood that won’t rot and then have to leave it behind when they move. This is a very attractive way to grow some fresh produce for renters and could even be on a balcony. Art and Appetite blog shared what herbs they choose to grow in their double level raised garden beds in what looks like to be a square foot gardening method. This planter is great for herbs as it is separated into sections and a lot of herbs have a tendency to try to take over and this way they stay in their own square.

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Assortment of 12 Culinary Herb Garden Seeds: Parsley, Thyme, Cilantro, Basil, Dill, Oregano, Marjoram & More
Indoor Culinary Herb Garden Starter Kit- Start Growing Fresh Cooking Herbs & Spices- Great Gift Idea!- Seeds: Parsley, Thyme, Cilantro, Basil, Dill, Oregano, Sweet Marjoram, Chives, Savory, Garlic Chives, Mustard, Sage