Raising LivestockRaising Your Own Homestead Cows

Raising Your Own Homestead Cows

Helpful facts and insightful tips for raising your own homestead cows can help you avoid making simple yet costly mistakes. Let the experience of other homesteaders, help your learning curve and keep your beef livestock healthier.

Raising meat on your homestead can be a great way to add more food on your table and even some extra money in your wallet. One of the meats you can raise if you have the space is cattle beef as it can be produced on much larger scales than other meats without even needing more than one or two cows in your possession. One cow can produce a couple hundred or more pounds of delicious beef for your family, friends, or the market.

Raising Your Own Homestead Cows

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Another great aspect of owning your own cattle is that there are several choices when it comes to cattle beef from which you can choose: Herefords, Angus, and Holstein among others. You will want to do your own research to find the one right for your homestead and preferences. You will also need to consider whether you want them to be calves that are fed through their mothers, bottles, or even buckets.

You will also need to consider how you will supply your cows with hay, the fencing you will need to keep your cows from wandering off and for protection against predators, the pasture you’ll use for grazing, some type of shelter from the elements and predators, and what you are wanting to do with the beef once the time comes (marketing it for sale or use by your family and/or friends). While there is plenty to consider when you are looking into owning your own cattle, you can find a lot of useful information below to help you figure out what you need to know.

Click here to read about raising your own homestead cows:


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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