SewingRe Fashion Plain T Shirts into a Fabulous Squeezebox Shirt

Re Fashion Plain T Shirts into a Fabulous Squeezebox Shirt

This detailed step by step tutorial shares how to re fashion plain t shirts into a fabulous squeezebox shirt that is stylish as it is frugal. After learning this method, my mind is racing with all the cool color combinations and fabric textures that can be used to make a very slimming shirt.

Revamp your wardrobe by creating your own DIY shirts. With every year’s changing fashion trends you need to improvise your fashion sense. Create your own DIY ultimate squeezebox top that will look like something out of a fashion magazine. This project is very simple, cost effective (8 dollars for both shirts) and does not take a lot of time (Approximately 1-2 hours).

The materials you will need include:

• 2 shirts
• Scissors
• Matching thread
• Pins

Re Fashion Plain T Shirts into a Fabulous Squeezebox Shirt

You can make it by cutting up a long top in two parts, smart folding each and stitching them to create layers and then stitch the two sides back together. The pleats should only be a few inches so that the top gives a nice decent look.
You should try making this DIY squeezebox tops because they look adorable and are very easy to create.

Click here to read about how to re fashion plain t shirts into a fabulous shirt :

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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