Why you may not want to have guinea fowl on your homestead. Raising chickens is becoming very popular whether on farms or in city backyards. There are many breeds to choose from and a lot of folks want guinea fowl because they will kill mice and snakes but there are reasons not to have guinea fowl on your homestead too. In many parts of the country keeping livestock within city limits is strictly prohibited by ordinance. However, more recently, some smaller municipalities have been approving some small scale backyard farming that can involve the raising of guinea fowl. This article was created to introduce the reader to important facts about guinea fowl and the hidden negatives that are often overlooked.
This article was is from Free Range Life. If you are new to raising backyard livestock like guinea fowl, then you really owe it to yourself to read this article. The author shares their knowledge of the possible pitfalls that anyone who is considering getting into the raising of guinea fowl in the backyard. Discover a number of very important facts about guinea fowl that you might not already know about them. Each of the points are brought up in the article explained in great detail. reading this article before bring guinea fowl home might be a blessing in the long run.