Natural RemediesRed Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve PMS Cramps and Pain Recipe

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve PMS Cramps and Pain Recipe

This Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve PMS Cramps and Pain Recipe has been passed from grandmother to mother to daughter for hundreds of years as common all-natural healing women’s reproduction health wisdom. It eases the discomfort in the lower abdomen when the endometrium (lining of the uterus) is shed and passes through the vagina.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve PMS Cramps and Pain Recipe - Healing - The Homestead Survival

Unfortunately, life is not perfect and that means quite often life throws us a curveball every now and again.

For women, it happens every month for most of their lives, that is until they reach a certain age.
Along with their monthly period comes the dreaded PMS symptoms.

This article and the recipe is intended to introduce homesteading readers to a unique flavored tea that has helped many women get through this difficult time. Plant it in your garden and share this information with every woman you know…..



4 cups of water

3 – 4 Red Raspberry Leaf tea bags

2 Tablespoons Honey




1. In a large pot, bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and place the tea bags in the pot.

2. Let brew for at least 15 minutes for best results.

3. Once brewed and cooled down, transfer the tea to a large pitcher and mix in the honey.

4. Pour over ice and drink throughout the day. Give it about 1/2 hour to start to ease cramps and pain.


This homemade remedy and the easy to follow recipe was shared by the author. They were looking to help as many women as they could be able to deal with their monthly visitor. The recipe includes a complete list of all of the necessary things that are needed to be had on hand. It also includes an easy to read and follow step by step preparation guide that covers everything from start to finish.

Click here to read about how to make Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to Relieve PMS Cramps and Pain Recipe:



christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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