Anyone that has chickens knows that the chicken coop can get pretty stinky. They would also know that chicken have a lot of predators. Most of the predators find the chickens by scent. Keeping the chicken coop from being smelly would go a long way towards keeping the predators away. If they can’t smell them they don’t find them. Here is a neat way to cut way down on the smell. It reminds me of how cat litter is now scoop-able so you can keep using it but by removing the clump you remove the smell. Untrained Housewife shares her way of making the chicken coop scoop-able so there is no smell.
Not only can you use this idea to make the coop scoop-able but you can take what you scoop and add it to the compost pile so it can break down and then feed your garden. She also suggest raising the coop to prevent snakes getting in and she put gopher wire over the windows so she can leave the windows open for fresh air at night. All in all this looks like a really clean and secure chicken coop.