This Robotic Chicken Coop Door Homesteading DIY Project is a chicken coup with a remote control door made with a electric window car door and cheap door lock remote (for a car). The car alarm remote works from 164 yards away, so you can sit on the couch inside your house and let your chickens out of their coop.

Robotic door is a blessing for every chicken keeper. It is like you can rest in bed and you need not to worry about getting up from sleep at the crack of down for letting the chickens out. It may even allow you to go for everyday evening walks as you will be satisfied that the chickens are locked inside while you are away. You know yout coop is predator proof too in addition to a stress-free life.
The use of robotic door for the chickens has been observed since a couple of years; therefore, it is important to observe the options that are available for you as well as your chickens. This article is likely too providing a general overview; however, it has not reviewed every available product you may encounter useful hints from the experience. Selection of this robotic door needs to done carefully as they are quiet expensive so you need to know chicken door best suits your needs.
How cute is this Tee

The most adequate and helpful feature of this door are the control boxes that are battery powered because majority do not have power supplies near the coops. The only drawback is its battery life; however, solar power is also a great option in this case. The two widely used modes for operating this door include; the timer based solution and light sensored operated doors. There are different power sources, programmable controls and mechanisms for opening and closing of the robotix door.
Click here to read about how to build a Robotic Chicken Coop Door Homesteading DIY Project: