CraftsScrabble Tile Pieces Framed Mirror Craft Project

Scrabble Tile Pieces Framed Mirror Craft Project

This scrabble tile pieces framed mirror craft project is a great way to repurpose incomplete board games. Yard sales are a frugal way to find board games with missing pieces.

Scrabble Tile Pieces Framed Mirror Craft Project

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Trim on mirrors can be replaced easily to spark up an old or unfinished one. Instead of just new framing add something new or quirky. Consider appliques or, like this DIY project, Scrabble letters.

You don’t need to buy the actual Scrabble tiles since craft stores can offer many options but they are not expensive and are sold separately and it’s a fine way to leave yourself messages too.

If your mirror has a useable frame, you can take a look at just gluing on items if they will sit evenly. However, building a brand new frame for the mirror is simple, for the most part. Any mistakes in drilling or imperfections in the wood can be covered by your appliques.

It’s a good idea to look at trim that can be purchased in strips. Line the outside and inside edges of the mirror frame to give the eye a straight line to follow. This helps hide the bumps in the application process or any rounded edges of your letter tiles. Simple wood glue will work for all the add ons.

Take a look at an easy DIY project using Scrabble letters to frame an old mirror. The look itself is reminiscent of folk art and the words give even more meaning to the whole project.

And there are those items that you don’t want to throw out but might not be worth the effort to remake into their original glory.

Click here to read about scrabble tile pieces framed mirror craft project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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