SewingSew a Simple Ruffle Dress from Recycled Shirts Project

Sew a Simple Ruffle Dress from Recycled Shirts Project

This tutorial of how to sew a simple ruffle dress from recycled shirts project is a frugal yet fashionable way to expand your wardrobe. It may take you time and effort but you will save tons of hard earned cash. It is wonderful how creative you will become once you try.

Sew a Simple Ruffle Dress from Recycled Shirts Project

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There was a time when people were able to make so many homemade items in their lives. It saved on consumable purchases and was likely a healthier lifestyle, just by its nature. Before mid-century, recycling clothing was commonplace. Even without high skills in the art of sewing, it’s easy to create new garments and outfits from old ones.

Materials Needed:

Three large or extra large thermal(waffle) men’s shirts (at least two have to be of similar color)

Your best-fitting t-shirt or knit top

Your best-fitting pencil skirt

Shoe box top

Basic Sewing Supplies:

–Sewing machine

–Fabric scissors

–Chalk or fabric marker



–Matching thread

Clothes do wear out and need to be replaced but they often wear in self enclosed areas. You can cut around these and still maintain a fresh look to the fabric left behind that you’ll use in your new crafted garment. You need some basic tools like cutting shears and measuring tape, but sewing instruments don’t have to be complicated.

Regular scissors can do the job but there are implements specifically made to slice through fabric cleanly. Hopefully you already have a set of needles and thread. A sewing machine is not always necessary if you are working on items like shifts or skirts that can be made with hand-hemming.

You will need to know some basics and find patterns. Laying out an item you’d like to copy and cutting pieces to match is a good start with simple patterns. Layer items to create ruffles or add buttons and trim from another item to liven up an old one. Try your hand at refurbished clothing and see what new items you can create.

Click here to read about how to sew a simple ruffle dress from recycled shirts project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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