If you would like to find grass-fed beef, raw milk products, or free range chicken and eggs to stock your freezer and feed your family here is how to find some near you. Eat Wild has a directory of farms in the US and Canada to help you find some. They have a map and you just click on your state and you will find a list of all the farms that have beef, pork, and chicken products. They even have some wild game and fish farms listed.
Here is what it says on the site “Eatwild’s Directory of Farms lists more than 1,400 pasture-based farms, with more farms being added each week. It is the most comprehensive source for grass-fed meat and dairy products in the United States and Canada. Products include: Beef,Pork, Lamb, Veal, Goat, Elk, Venison, Yak, Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Turkeys, Eggs, Milk, Cheeses, Wild-Caught Salmon and more!”
So if you would like to buy a side of quarter of grass-fed beef to fill your freezer you can find a farm to buy from. Fresh eggs and free range chicken and humanly raised pork. So much better than what you can buy at the store and while looking at a side of beef may seem expensive you have to remember it will be a very large amount of meat. Check the map at Eat Wild and see if you can start buying better raised meat in your area.