If you have a get home or bug out bag you should have a sillcock key for survival water access in them.
Knowing what to do in the event of becoming stranded away from home or in the event that you are forced from your home due to a catastrophic event.
It is always important know what exactly you plan to do in the event one of those things happen. If you are at home it is important to have a bug out bag or emergency kit that you can grab in a hurry when or if you are told to quickly evacuate your home.
This information on sillcock keys for survival water access could save your life and the info is from, Survival Resources.
The article was written by the author as a way to inform the reader about something that is often forgotten about when it comes to planning for having to leave in a hurry or being trapped in the wilderness away from a useful water supply. The information is presented in a way that makes it easy to read and understand
Benefits of reading the Survival 101: Sillcock Key for Survival Water Access
Discover a very important piece of emergency equipment that not everyone thinks about when making emergency plans.
The article includes some full-color pictures that help to provide a good visual reference for the reader.
The video shows how to use a sillcock key to gain access to water.
Almost any building will have an outlet for water that will require a sillcock key.