These simple instructions for cordwood flooring are just a rough guide for a rediscovered art form of wood flooring using cordwood.
Cordwood flooring is made up of slices of thoroughly dried wood from smaller branches that have been cut to an identical depth with a compound miter saw. Dip wood in a bucket of Polycrylic wood sealant. This keeps wood from being invaded by insects and keeps the color consistent. Glue down ( a small drop of clear silicone works) sanded wooden disks to a even level. Fill in the gaps with a grout mixture OR spread epoxy over sanded wooden disks.
Cordwood construction is an economical use for log ends or fallen trees in heavily timbered areas. Other common sources for wood include sawmills, split firewood, utility poles (without creosote), split rail fence posts, and logging slash. It is more sustainable and often economical to use recycled materials for cordwood walls. Regardless of the source, all wood must be debarked before construction begins. While over 30 different types of wood can be used, the most desirable rot resistant woods are Pacific yew, bald cypress (new growth), cedars, and juniper. Acceptable woods also include Douglas fir, western larch, Eastern White Pine, Spruce Pine, Poplar, Tamarack, Western red cedar and Monterey pine as quoted by Wikipedia.
Less dense, airy woods are superior because they shrink and expand in lower proportions than dense hardwoods like elm, maple, oak, and beech. Most wood can be used in a wall if it is dried properly and stabilized to the external climate’s relative humidity. Furthermore, logs of identical species and source are preferred because they limit expansion/ contraction variables.
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