These simple tips that homesteading moms and dads for kids will help make caring for these bundles of energy easier.

1.Glad Press n Seal Hack if Unprepared for Messy Craft or Dinner – Just Use a piece of Glad Press’n Seal Plastic over your shirt, No washing of clothing involved! This Glad Press n Seal Hack IF Unprepared for Messy Craft or Dinner is just pure genuis tip that experinced moms are glad to share first time moms or teachers.
2. Use dental floss to cut a soft cake into equal pieces, working very well when outside and easy to throw out.
3. A bottle nipple can be a medicine dispenser by simply adding gripe water in the nipple and let the child suck it out.
4. For a Popsicle drip catcher, use cupcake liner, as it can help cut down on stains on clothes and rugs.
5. A hanging shoe rack can hold cleaning supplies and organize theminstead of having them under the sink.
6. With ground meat, section them off and break off pieces before storing in the freezer.
7. Wrap the ends of bananas with plastic wrap to keep them from ripening too quickly.
8. Cold onions does not make as many tears when being cut, so have them in the fridge.
9. Get a condiment squeeze bottle for cheap and fill it with homemade pancake batter to squeeze out shaped pancakes.
10. Put infant toys (no electronics) in the dishwasher and sanitize without the need of detergent.
11. Wear a bathrobe over clothing to prevent stains getting on before the kids leave and take it off before walking out of the door.
12. Finally, snip a sticker in half and place one side in each shoe so kids will know which shoe goes on the left and right foot.
13. Stick a pool noodle under the sheet of a child’s bed to make a bumper to keep them safe in the bed. For adults, have an ice-cold glass of beer or wine in 15 minutes by simply
14. Scatter a bit of cinnamon in a child’s sandbox to keep pests from crawling all over the child. Mix a bottle of cinnamon with the sand and bugs won’t come because they are repelled by cinnamon.
Introduce postivie language into coomon phrases such as:
Instead of “No Running” – Use “Walk Please”
Instead of “Don’t Throw” – Use “Keep It On The Ground”
Instead of “Dont Touch him or her” – Use “Hands to Yourself”
Instead of “No Hitting” – Use “Gentle Touches”
Instead of “Stop Yelling” – Use “Quiet Voice, Please”
Honestly, I was raised by a mother took her shoe off and beat some butt as she yelled commands. I have encountered a few wonderful homeschooling mommies (Keli, Amanda and Sara – ~small shout out there~) that have shared that a kinder gentler lanuage guides children in a better manner. Their kids are delightful.
Click here to read about simple tips that homesteading moms and dads for kids: