HomesteadingSlash Your Grocery Bill With These Fantastic Ideas

Slash Your Grocery Bill With These Fantastic Ideas

As food prices continue to soar I think a lot of people are scrambling to be able to buy all the food their families need. I know I keep seeing in the news that so many are depending on food stamps just to feed themselves and their family. As the prices in the grocery stores keep climbing more and more people are going to find it difficult to make the pay check stretch enough to keep up and even more folks could find themselves needing some assistance. This article is a great start on trying to keep your costs down while grocery shopping.

The tips and ideas will help anyone that does the grocery shopping to save money and stretch the money you do have to spend on food each month regardless whether you are using money from a paycheck or food stamps to keep food on the table these ideas can help. Blissful and Domestic shares a lot of ides to help save money. She says she only goes shopping once per month and if you have a pantry or even a large closet to store the jars, cans, bean flours and basic dry goods and a chest freezer to keep meats and frozen produce in you can shop once a moth as well. This will save a lot of money for two reasons.


One you won’t be in the store all the time for bread and milk which is never the only thing you buy so you spend more because you are there more. The second reason is because you will need to plan your meals and try to use everything you have for the month so you will have much less wasted food.  Once you have that part down, she provides weekly meals so if you need to copy her meals for a while to help you get into the swing of monthly meal planning, it is all right there to help you.

She also shares a link to a so-op type program called Bountiful Basket where you can get a basket of fresh produce weekly for 15 dollars. I wish that had that here in WI but it is mainly out west. For folks that do have one in their area, she did the comparison shopping and bountiful baskets are much more cost effective than the store. She does do a lot of her own baking and even some canning. When she finds a case of some produce on sale like apples pr tomatoes she cans sauces and pie filling and has those to add to her pantry shelves.

For any one feeling the crunch of rising food costs that is seriously looking for a way to make those dollars or stamp stretch as far as you possibly can this article is a fantastic way to get started. I know I have bookmarked because I will be following the weekly recipes and adding some of these shopping techniques to my life.


Read more>>>>>>      Slash Your Grocery Bill With These Fantastic Ideas

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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