Off GridHow to Have Solar Air Conditioning Off Grid

How to Have Solar Air Conditioning Off Grid

Solar air conditioning can be referred to any air cooling system using solar power, as noted by the science writers at 123Homework. Learn how you can have solar air conditioning even if you are off-grid. The rise in utility prices and the campaign to save resources like electricity and gas has forced people to adopt an off the grid (OTG) lifestyle. People who care about the environment and believe in green living also support the OTG lifestyle. OTG lifestyle is when you don’t depend on the support of a remote infrastructure such as the electrical grid in your area.

How to have Solar Air Conditioning Off Grid

OTG lifestyle has also been seen in areas where it is difficult to access electricity because the population is either scattered or distant. Many celebrities are also adopting the OTG lifestyle to promote green living. On the other hand, air conditioning becomes a necessity when weather becomes extremely hot and humid. This article from the Mother Earth News discussed how we can actually run an OTGsolar powered air conditioner. The author lives in an OTG home but tells how he did not believe that air conditioning could be run on this concept. Summer can become quite frustrating without some cooling relief and it can affect your health. It is hard to find sleep if you are too uncomfortable from the heat. This was the reason the author found a way to have an off grid air conditioner. If you are off grid and suffering through this hotter than normal summer you may want to read this article and see if this set up would work for you.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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