Essential OilsSoothing Arthritis Pain with Healing Essential Oils

Soothing Arthritis Pain with Healing Essential Oils

Soothing arthritis pain with healing essential oils can be such a blessing when we are dealing with daily stiffness, swelling and pain.  Whether it’s dull, sharp, burning or a pressure …. essential oils will help relieve it.

Soothing Arthritis Pain with Healing Essential Oils

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Arthritis pain is a very common condition for many people around the world and has been recommended to take essential oils as a remedy for their pain. Prescriptions for many of these oils are given, but some have unwanted side effects. There are other oils used to treat the symptoms effectively without those risks.

Here is a list of 5 oils in particular that help the most.

Eucalyptus: It is a perfect and natural reliever of pain as it opens up the body’s blood vessels to increase blood circulation throughout the body, including the joints which are affected the most. (Click to Buy Here from Amazon)

Birch Oil: This has multiple benefits to help cut down on the muscle and joint pain, such as being antiseptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic. It has an acid called methyl salicylate, which can soothe pains in bones and muscles. (Click to Buy Here from Amazon)

Peppermint: A very common essential oil used in just about everything that has anti-inflammatory components thanks to the menthol in it. (Click to Buy Here from Amazon)

Lavender: Another common essential oil with its use as a reliever for anxiety. It is used to improve relaxation and promote sleep. In addition, it promotes circulation of oxygen to the joints and muscles to reduce aches caused by arthritis. (Click to Buy Here from Amazon)

Rosemary: Again, it is also anti-inflammatory and has analgesic elements to prevent inflammation and allow more circulation in the blood. Blend it with multiple essential oils that have the same pros and it will be even stronger. (Click to Buy Here from Amazon)

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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