This Sourdough Bread Starter Recipe: Make Store & Care For is the full scope of information for the frugal homestead baker. Sourdough bread has a deliciously tangy flavor, chewy crust and perfect texture.
Sourdough bread is made by the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. Sourdough bread has a mildly sour taste not present in most breads made with baker’s yeast, and better inherent keeping qualities than other breads due to the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.
Homemade sourdough starters are homemade fermentors of its natural yeasts and bacteria. It is simple a thick liquid mix of flour and water mixed with them and is added into bread dough to ferment the entire loaf and fluffier. Homemade sourdough starters help with making bread better and are long lasting. The microbes inside the starter are easy to maintain. Breads and pastries can be made with a sourdough starter and gives a more natural taste. You only need water and any type of grain flour, 1 cup of each, mixed in a bowl, and covered by a cheesecloth to let air come in and out.
Two Basic Ingredients: flour and filtered water (tap water has chlorine which stunts growth)
Breadtopia Sourdough Starter Kit
Store the sourdough starter in the fridge or leave it on the kitchen counter. If you bake every day, it may be better that it’s on the counter, but you will still need to put some water in once a day to help with the microbes. The starter will always be ready to use. But if you don’t bake daily, it is better to store in the fridge and you don’t have to give it any water every day. Caring for it varies on how you store it, whether it’s under room temperature or in the fridge. Beside water, you have to add fresh flour. You will need to do this more often if it’s at room temperature.
The good thing about starters is that you will never run out necessarily of it. You just need add water and flour to the starter and give it time to settle in before using it again.
Click here to read about Sourdough Bread Starter: Make Store & Care For:
As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “SOURDOUGH STARTER TROUBLESHOOTING: WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO KILL YOUR STARTER ?”:
As a SUPER BONUS, You may want to take a peek at the article “Sourdough History and Science”: