I have a spaghetti squash that was given to me and since I have never really used a spaghetti squash before I had to go searching for a recipe to make with it. After my search I really think I either need to grow some spaghetti squash or find a source for it because wow, did I find recipes. I found tons of recipes to make with spaghetti squash.
Everything from spicy Mexican dishes to a Thai dish that had pineapple in it and looked delicious but then… I found this recipe for fritters made with spaghetti squash, bacon and Parmesan and that was it, I had found the one I will be making. So for anyone that has a spare spaghetti squash lying around you can try this recipe too. Doesn’t it look totally delish? Julia’s Album shares the recipe and I am ever glad she did, can’t wait to see how this tastes.

Click here for recipe: