How to build a “Start Garden Seeds Indoor Mini Greenhouse Box DIY Project” is a frugal re-useable gardening valuable piece of equipment. Getting back to the land in modern times, takes “thinking outside of box” with new approaches and methods.

This mini little greenhouse concerates just the right amount of light and temperature to maximize your germination success and is great for seedlings, cuttings, veggies, flowers, herbs and greens.
Materials and Tools:
1 clear plastic storage container (bin)
3 temporary bulb holders (home depot rubber coated) UPC # 0 78477 83939 1
3 CFL 13w light bulbs (do not use other types the heat would create a dangerous situation)
2 wire nuts
light fixture cord (Click to Buy on Amazon)
3 band ties
1 Mylar emergency blanket (Click to Buy on Amazon)
double sided tape
bubble wrap – the size of the bottom of the container
hole saw (the size of the bulb holders) 1 1/2″
Wire strippers
~ Ideal for seedlings, cuttings, flowers and house plants
~ The light bulb position lets you adjust the light closer for healthier, hardier plants.
~ Save time & money – Highly efficient light bulbs and super reflective internal finish mean more light for your plants and less stress on your budget
Click here to read about how to build a Start Garden Seeds Indoor Mini Greenhouse Box DIY Project: