GardeningHow To Start Seedlings In Eggshells

How To Start Seedlings In Eggshells

How To Start Seedlings In Eggshells

Starting seeds (seedlings) in eggshells is also a great option because you can transplant the whole egg into your garden !   Keeping your seeds at warm moist temperature is important, never let them dry out or get waterlogged. The top of the refrigerator is a great place or a sunny window if you are not using lights and a heat mat.

What you will need:

  • Empty eggshell , rinsed and dried

  • Empty paper egg carton

  • Seed starting potting soil mix

  • Seeds

How To Start Seedlings In Eggshells


1. Rinse and allow eggshells to dry.

2. Place eggshells in each slot of the paper egg carton. Gently fill each eggshell with one teaspoon with seed starting potting soil mix.

3. Gently place two seeds in each eggshell.

4. Add another teaspoon of seed starting potting soil mix into each eggshell.

5. Water each eggshell with 1/2 a teaspoon of chlorine free water every three days. Soil should be kept lightly moist. Do not over water. Leave tap water in a mason jar uncapped for twenty four hours to allow chlorine to evaporate.

6. Seedlings will grow developing leaves and a strong stem. You can transplant the whole eggshell into an outdoor garden bed. It helps if slightly crush the eggshell in the palm of your hand to develop cracks so the seedling can grow through. Eggshells are an amazing source of calcium that will give your garden soil a boost.

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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