Starting seeds for Spring homestead garden tutorial is just the thing to get a frugal homesteader on the right track to a bountiful harvest.

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If you are wondering how the get the most out of your garden this year, the answer is quite simple: Start now. Most people wrongfully assume that you have to wait until Spring to start your garden. This is simply not true.
There are many seeds you can start in winter- and many good reasons to do so! Some seeds take a long time to grow and will require the extra weeks to grow. Others don’t grow well in certain areas because of the “days of harvest” that are available in that area. Days of Harvest refers to the number of days that exist between the last frost of Spring and the first frost of Autumn. Because frost usually means certain death for crops, you want to ensure that your plants are planted outdoors and have time to grow in that frame.
Many people will start their seeds inside before the last frost of Spring and then plant already-sprouting plants. This provides an additional few weeks of growth the typical “Days of Harvest” that one would encounter by waiting to plant seeds outside.
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, tomato, peppers, herbs, lettuce, peas, eggplant, and brussels sprouts are all great plants to start early, as well as green beans. The reasons these plants should be started early is because, in doing so, you increase the production value of the plants throughout the growing season.
You can get the most out of your garden by planting these crops indoors in grow cups toward the end of winter. Once the weather improves enough for these crops to be move outside, they will mature earlier than what would be otherwise predicted for them. Their offerings are renewable, so even after you pick all your tomatoes, green beans, peas, or other crops from the vine or plant, new ones will sprout within a few days.
Since you can pick from these plants often, it makes sense to plan for an early mature date. In doing so, you multiple the amount of crops that you can harvest from these seeds.
Click here to read about starting seeds for Spring homestead garden: