Here is a collection of articles and videos of an introduction of how suture deep wounds that can not be closed with a butterfly bandage. In natural disasters, medical services can be interrupted or just not available so having the basic knowledge of how to close a gaping would should be in your emergency preparedness first aid skills.
Some people can not grasp the concept of this kind of situation, please remember the stories of the survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
Part of being prepared in the event of a catastrophic natural disaster in your area is knowing how to administer first aid. Without having access to a medical facility the knowing what to do can be the difference between a good outcome and potential loss of life. Most well stocked first aid kits include a suture kit in the event of deep cuts might require stitches. Having some degree of knowledge ahead of time would be a huge plus.
This article was designed to be a resource for those who are looking for some training on how apply sutures if it ever became necessary. It includes a number of videos that detail the procedures of how to correctly close up a wound in order to limit the spread of infection. The article give plenty of information on “how to” and other valuable stuff.
Benefits of the Suturing Wounds Introductions – Stitches Medical Training Videos
● Use it to learn a valuable skill that could come in handy some day
● Each of the videos included cover a method of using sutures and shows how to do it
● The videos show how you can use certain object to practice what you learned in the videos
Click here to read both articles about suturing (stitching wounds) when no medical services are available or coming and all you have to depend on is yourself, family or really good friends :