I think most everybody has see how maple trees are tapped to make maple syrup, I think we have even had a few viewers mention that they tap maple trees in spring to make some syrup. In this article Fergus The Forager teaches us how we can tap the birch tree and then use the sap to make wine or syrup from it. He says the sap when it comes from the tree is 97 percent or more pure water so you have to evaporate the water off to get to the awesome syrup. He explains how to tap the tree and gives a couple of different ways to do the evaporating and then goes on to explain that if you don’t want the work of making the syrup you can use the sap to make wine. He also tells how to make pine needle tea. If you are into foraging or have a lot of birch trees available to you this might be a neat way to utilize them. For those that don’t have any birch trees around them but do have black walnut you could How To Make Black Walnut Syrup or check out Urban Forager: Made-in-Brooklyn Maple Syrup to learn how to make other syrups from tapping maple or black walnut trees. I think it would be interesting to make syrup, especially if you have kids to show them how it is done.

Click here for instructions>>>> http://fergustheforager.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ck09aprilthesapisrising1.pdf