RecipesTea Recipe I Use To Prevent Colds In The Winter

Tea Recipe I Use To Prevent Colds In The Winter

I make this by the gallon and drink it every day to prevent colds in the winter.

photo credit wax115
photo credit wax115

Green Tea for both anti- viral and anti-bacterial  properties.

photo credit  mconnors
photo credit mconnors

Lemon for vitamin C

photo credit   hotblack
photo credit hotblack

Ginger helps keep mucus loose so it doesn’t sit around building bacteria.

Here is how I make it.

In a sauce pan, add 3 cups of water ( I use distilled with minerals added because I don’t much care for a dose of fluoride in every glass of tea) you can use which ever water you like.

Add 6 green tea bags, and grate about 2 tablespoons of fresh or frozen ginger into the pan.

Next because drinking a lot of tea gives me indigestion, I add a half teaspoon of baking soda.

For some reason the baking soda prevents the indigestion.  Bring this to a roiling boil and let it boil till it almost boils over then turn it off.

While the tea is boiling, juice 1 fresh lemon. In a gallon jug add your lemon juice and sweetener of you choice. Sometimes I use honey and sometimes I just use a cup of sugar. Add  some water and shake to dissolve sugar or your chosen sweetener.

After you have turned the fire off under the tea let it sit and steep for ten minutes. The strain into the jug. Add cold water to the pan and stir the tea bags to get the rest of the tea out then strain this into the jug. Now just add water to fill the jug.  Put the lid on and shake to mix, then put it in the fridge and serve over ice. You can warm it if you would rather have a cup of hot tea.

The green tea, ginger and lemon make a really great tasting tea and of course I have no proof but I do seem to get less colds when I drink this every day.

If you compost throw your tea bags in the compost.



Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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