Is this the year you have decided to try your hand at gardening or maybe its the first time you plant to try growing food instead of flowers. Some crops are a little easier to grow to harvest than others. Some are very prone to pest damage and can be discouraging even to long time gardeners. It really frustrates to grow brocoli or cabbages only to find them riddled with worms later. But with this list of the 12 easiest crops to grow you can have a successful garden the first time out. Attainable Sustainable shares the list and has even broken it down to cool weather and warm weather crops to make it even more fail proof for you.
From arugula to zucchini you are sure to find at least a couple of different crops you can grow with ease to add to your food supply. Out of this list I think I would say zucchini is the easiest and most prolific plant. You plant it and water it and keep the weeds cleared and you will end up with more squash that you know what to do with.
We have many ways to use zucchini on the site so if you have a lot don’t let it go to waste. Here are three of my favorite ways to preserve the huge crop of zucchini every year. All three of these work really well because zucchini is bland and will take on the flavor of whatever you add to it.
First up is Zucchini Jam Recipe, this is made with jello so you can make pretty much whichever jello flavor is the favorite at your house and know that when jam is eaten so is zucchini and they will never know unless you tell them. Second favorite is Pineapple Zucchini Canning Recipe, this is a perfect replacement for canned pineapple because it tastes just like pineapple. Last is Zucchini Sweet Relish Recipe. So if you grow nothing but zucchini, as long as you have about 6 or 8 plants you can add all these healthier replacements to your pantry.
And there are still 11 more easy crops to plant. It is your year to start a garden and this is the post for you.