Emergency PreparednessThe Boy Scouts motto Always Be Prepared

The Boy Scouts motto Always Be Prepared

The Boy Scouts’ motto, “Always Be Prepared,” has been one that we have lived by for generations. At least we did until so many modern conveniences placed us into a lull about our well until something major happen to us. Unfortunately, when disasters strike unexpectedly as they so often do, we find ourselves completely unprepared as to how to handle them.

Emergency Preparedness, common sense and environmental situational awareness is the greatest gift you can give your spouse, children and even pets.
The Boy Scouts motto Always Be Prepared

These can include having enough water to drink as the city or state surplus of water becomes contaminated due to flooding or other crises.

It can also be that we do not have enough food to keep whole family and pets during times of great snow, natural disasters or civil unrest that can keep us locked inside our homes.

First aid and the prescription medications we need to survive illnesses and injuries are also usually kept to a minimum in our homes… stocking up the best we can is essential.

What if the power goes out for one reason or another and does not come back on for several days? Do we know what we will do for heat, lighting, or even cooking the food we need to survive?

What about using the bathroom when nature calls? So many questions that a lot of us can not answer. It’s best to find out what our families need to survive at least a couple weeks should we run into a natural or man made disaster.

Click here to read about the Boy Scouts’ motto, “Always Be Prepared,”:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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