HomesteadingThe Pros and Cons of Moving to the Country

The Pros and Cons of Moving to the Country

The pros and cons of moving to the country from a first hand perspective can inspire people who dream of homesteading ….. to think, if it is possible for them.

The Pros and Cons of Moving to the Country

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It is an author’s point-of-view from moving from the city to the rural areas of the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina.

It started after their house caught fire and the author escaped safely; then, after settling into a new home, the author was laid off, a victim of the Great Recession.

Facing the harsh reality after two sudden disasters, the author speaks of coming to a realization – after months of unemployment benefits and selling their valuables – that the city and the state of Connecticut was too expensive to live in.

“Survival is all about sustaining life by virtually any means possible,” writes the author. Thanks to his fiancée, they had good credit to obtain a mortgage for buying a home in the countryside.

The author lists the good and the bad. The Good: North Carolina is way cheaper to live in, including lower taxes and bills on water, electricity, gas, and auto insurance. Also, there is more space to live in and more peace to have amongst the neighborhood.

The Bad: lack of city and emergency services because of the distance from the nearest stations, more need to upkeep the home’s yards, scarcity of jobs in small towns, and even some unwanted visitors such as sneaks, spiders, and bears.

In other words, the comforts of city life dwindle and one must roll up their sleeves to get things done. However, the author concludes that he and his fiancée have survived the drastic changes and are doing well far from the city.

Click here to read about the pros and cons of moving to the country:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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