Here are three videos that show you how to make a cake in a jar. The first if from Chow and it is a very simple cake that had fresh fruit in it and is baked in the oven. I love the simplicity of dropping fresh fruit into the jars adding the dry ingredients and butter on top then baking. Super easy. Next up is a carrot cake that is baked in the microwave and then finished off with cream cheese frosting. It has fresh shredded carrots and optional nuts. This one is from Prudent Baby. And last but not least is Daily Camera with a Holiday spiced cake that is both gluten and dairy free. While you can bake in canning jars because they are made to withstand high heat and the cake when sealed would stay good for longer than a cake on a cake stand I would not try to put these on a pantry shelf. I know some folks send cakes in jars to our service members and I think the cake would make it to them and still be good, I personally wouldn’t want to store it much longer than that. Once the service member receives the cake they should eat it right away. If you wanted to give cakes in jars for Christmas I would not bake them until 10 days before hand.