If you prep for being in the wilderness you might like this article which offers a lot of tips to make sure you don’t make the mistakes listed in it. Some tips are common sense but then some folks don’t always use common sense and may not ever have thought of some of these tips. There are suggestions on avoiding flash floods while in the wilderness and to know how a fire would behave.
There are also tips on how to dress meat you may kill in the wild and which need skinned and which you should pluck. Tips about setting up perimeter defenses. How to store food in the wilderness and how to find safe drinking water. The article is from Survivopedia and if you learn a thing or two then you will be that much better prepared to survive in the wilderness if you ever have to.
Next time you are headed out to the wilderness why not take along Backcountry Wilderness First Aid Kit with this list of items to have in case of a medical emergency. You might also check out this Backpack Camping Preparation Checklist, after all the more prepared you are the better your chances of surviving are if you are ever in the wilderness and you must depend on your self for your survival.
Read more>>>> http://www.survivopedia.com/wilderness-deadly-mistakes/#
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