CanningTips to Help You Store Canning Jars

Tips to Help You Store Canning Jars

canning jars

You are probably looking for ideas on how to store your canning jars. It would be best if you could get cold, dry basements. Sadly, most people may not get either root cellars or dry basements. Not to worry, there are options you could still choose from.

1. Hall Closet

Having a closet in your house is an advantage because they can make the right storage places. And because hall closets are always in the colder areas of your home that do not receive direct sunlight, you can use them to keep food.

2. Shelves in the Hallway

If you have limited space, finding places in your house to store items can be frustrating. So if you have a broader hallway that can accommodate a shelf, be sure to create shelves to help you with canning. The reason you want to do this is that hallways don’t receive much heat, so they qualify to keep your canning jars.

3. Storage rooms off of the Kitchen

Storage rooms off of the kitchen can make a perfect place for setting up shelves for your jars. This is because these areas usually have no windows, are never heated, and are cold and dry, so start leveraging these canning jar storage ideas today.

4. Back porch

Do you have a back porch that’s closed in? If yes, you may want to build a pantry. If you have the time, you can go ahead and insulate it to make sure that it is cold and doesn’t freeze. Also, it is essential to note that it isn’t a great idea to create a closet direct to sunlight.

5. Store canning jars in boxes

Canning jars often come in boxes, which may later help in their storage. Please do not throw them, instead keep them in cool, dry places for future use. These boxes might come in handy, especially if you lack shelves in your kitchen.

6. Enlist Unused Furniture

You can make good use of the abandoned furniture by improvising it into a storage place for your jars. Remember to place the furniture in a cool, dark space since sunlight can denature the enzymes in canned foods.

Meanwhile, maximize what you have available and make the best storage space out of it. However, it is essential to ensure that your canning jars fit perfectly well in a way that they are easily accessible.

Lastly, maintain high standards of cleanliness so that the shelf life of your canned products isn’t interfered with.

Bonus Tips

  • You’d want to keep it between 50 and 70 degrees.
  • Freezing is not the best idea because it can break the jars.
  • Make sure that your shelves or closets are not direct to sunlight.
  • Make sure your storage place is not damp as this might cause the rusting on lids.


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