This Tire Roof Shingles for Homesteading Buildings DIY Project is a great way to re-use, re-purpose and recycle worn out tires into a weatherproof rubber roof shingles for chicken coops, rabbit hutch, sheds, pump house and maybe even a small barn.

A frugal homesteader will always find a way to save money by “using it up, make do or wearing it out”…… using it up in this case.
Your tire shingles do not have to “look perfect” as long as they function well .
* Materials for Tire Roof Shingles:
36 Race Car Tires
Sharp Razor Blades
* Materials for Roof:
(3) 3/4″ Plywood sheets
(2) 8ft 2″x4″ Lumber
The basic procedure followed by the companies in making of these rubber shingles include; grinding up of the recycled rubber, removal of steel and iron, and then combining it with different ingredients to form shingles.
Regarding durability of the shingles, it has been stated that these shingles last for longer time as they are resistant towards extreme weather conditions. Apart from this, these shingles would proof themselves to be the right choice as they are very easy to get installed that lowers its cost as well.
Click here to read about how to create Tire Roof Shingles for Homesteading Outbuildings DIY Project:

As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Homemade Tire Roof Shingles and How To Install”: