Household TipsToilet Paper Alternatives for Bathroom Paperless Off Grid Living

Toilet Paper Alternatives for Bathroom Paperless Off Grid Living

This Toilet Paper Alternatives for Bathroom Paperless Off Grid Living article was designed to introduce homesteading readers to an alternative to toilet paper that can be very useful when your supply runs out. This comprising bathroom situation can be solved with some creative thinking and a strong will to try new things. Buck Up Buttercup !

Toilet Paper Alternatives for Bathroom Paperless Off Grid Living

Unless you have had the luxury of stockpiling hundreds of rolls of toilet paper, there may come of time that you will have to go to the bathroom without having any toilet paper to clean yourself with.

If you have ever had to wipe yourself with any kind of paper other than actual toilet paper you know that it is not very pleasant.

* Bidet (Handheld Bidet Toilet Sprayer)

* Sponge (Rinse and wash in hot water) 

* Cloth Rags (Rinse and wash in hot water)

* Mullein Leaves (that have been passed over a campfire to burn off the stinging hairs) Do not flush down the toilet.

* Long Reach Comfort Wipe

This article was authored by someone who has a whole lot of survival preparation experience that makes them very qualified to offer this kind of suggestion as an alternative for toilet paper when there is no paper in sight. The author explains in great detail what things are needed to have on hand in order to make it and it also includes an instructional guide.

Click here to read about Toilet Paper Alternatives for Bathroom Paperless Off Grid Living:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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