Raising LivestockTraining Chickens To Return To The Coop And Get On The Roost

Training Chickens To Return To The Coop And Get On The Roost

Training chickens to return to the coop and get on the roost is probably not something most folks ever think about when they think about having chickens I think most people just assume that returning to the roost at night and then getting up on the roost is just a genetic think that is automatic in chickens. It is not automatic if they have not been raised that way.

Training Chickens To Return To The Coop And Get On The Roost

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In this article you will see the steps you can take to train them to return and roost. This information is from Taylor Made Ranch. They bought some young chickens that had already begun to lay and didn’t know how to roost or to return to the coop at night after free ranging all day. They tell you the steps they took to first train them to return and then to also get off the floor and onto the roost. Having the free range chicken come home to the coop so that you can close them in at night will help protect them from all the predators that may come around at night. The same for getting them on the roost.

If they sleep on the floor they are likely to be attacked by rats and or snakes. I know some folks just leave them out at night and they will find somewhere to roost or just sleep on the ground. If you have a large flock you may not mind the loss of one every now and then but if you have a small flock for eggs you don;t want to lose any.


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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.


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