I stumbled upon this short book in Pdf form the other day and decided to share it with you. It may not appeal to everyone but for folks that really believe in natural medicine over laboratory created, you might find it useful. It is a small book written by Jakobe Jakstein called Wonder Drug Cabbage, The healing power of cabbage leaves. In the book she tells a short version of her life and how she came to use cabbage as an alternative medicine. Once she discovered that savoy cabbage could help with illness she used it and then sort of forgot about it and then the family ended up with no medical insurance and she remembered and spent years taking care of family illness with nothing more than savoy cabbage.
She tells of many times she used it and the illnesses she treated with it. I am sort of amazed at what all it did help. I had never heard of this before but I do like to try alternative treatments before taking chemicals. I plan to try the cabbage for what ever ailment comes up next just to see if it works for me. She used it for everything, From Flu and infected teeth to kidney stones, sinus infection and even a cancer. While the teeth still needed to be repaired of pulled after the infection was gone the savoy cabbage did kill the infection. I found this short book a very interesting read.
She does talk about her life and her two husbands and children and also her spiritual path as a Christian, so that may be off-putting to some and to them I would simply suggest, if it will bother you to read about her Christian journey then please don’t read it. For anyone that is really into natural treatments this I think is worth a read. I also think trying the savoy cabbage might be worth a shot. It is fairly inexpensive compared to drugs and readily available to most folks and so I think it is worth a try, I know that I will try it the next time I have an illness.
Click here>>>>>>> Treating Illness With Savoy Cabbage