See how to turn your favorite tomato into a perennial plant that you can grow year after year. If you grow a garden and have grown tomatoes, then you know that every so often you have a tomato plant that is just a little different in that it produces mass amounts of tomatoes or the tomatoes that it produces are extremely tasty.
When I have a tomato plant like that I know I always think, wow I wish I could grow these every year. Well in this article from Oak Hill Homestead it looks like just maybe you can do that. She has taken cuttings off her tomato plants and kept them over winter and had some success in planting the rooted cuttings in the spring and growing them to create a clone of the previous years tomato plants. She says she made it through three years this way. The third years cuttings died but she says she is going to keep trying. You have to get your cuttings before the first frost because the frost will kill the plant.
I think I may try this year with my cherry tomatoes. They are ones I buy every single year because everyone in the family loves them. Even the toddler grand daughter begs for baby tomatoes when she comes over. They are so sweet its like eating candy. I like to have 5 or 6 of the plants so that everyone can have plenty and being able to grow them from cuttings would save me a bit of money when I am buying my garden plants. It would be a great way to keep those plants that produce huge tomatoes, since you would know the cutting came from a plant that did you would assume it would also grow big tomatoes. Check out how its done and see if you can turn your favorite tomato into a perennial.