ChickensTurning Car Tires into Homesteading Chicken Dust Baths

Turning Car Tires into Homesteading Chicken Dust Baths

This step by step tutorial of the process of turning car tires into homesteading chicken dust baths is quick and inexpensive to make. A dust bath is functional piece of equipment that chicken will roll around in to repel mites from infesting them.

Turning Car Tires into Homesteading Chicken Dust Baths

In case you are relatively new to homesteading or farming you already know a lot about chickens. One thing you will learn is that chickens are susceptible to getting mites that can be damaging to their plumage. One of the best ways to fight mites in chickens is to use a dust bath, the chickens flail around in the dust and it suffocates the mites and they die. To help keep your entire coop full of chickens clear of mites, it is recommended that you have more than one dust bath.

This article shows how you can turn old, discarded tires in a perfectly suitable dust bath for your chicken coop. This allows you to control where the chickens do their bathing instead of just where ever they want, this can end up being very disruptive for the rest of the farm.

● Use it to create several inexpensive, but useful chicken baths.

● Project includes a complete list of all of the materials and supplies needed

● Includes a complete step by step instruction guide on how to accomplish it

● It includes several full color photos that depict many of the steps

You can fill the tires with peat moss, wood ash and sand.

Click here to read about turning car tires into homesteading chicken dust baths:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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