You May Have Unclaimed Money at Your State Unclaimed Property Division and it is actually easy to find out if your money is waiting to be claimed. Ok, I am the most cautious or wary person due to just how many suspicious scams are out but I have had personal experience with claiming money from Oregon state unclaimed property division. Each state’s unclaimed property division also has a phone where you can call and speak to a government worker to find out more information about the process. You DO NOT have to pay any money or send any banking information.
It was amazingly easy – I searched for my name, found two unclaimed bits of money, entered basic information and six weeks later two checks came in the mail totaling three hundred dollars.
live like you are richClick here to read about how You May Have Unclaimed Money at Your State Unclaimed Property Division:
Click here to find a map of the United States – where you can click on your state to be connected with official state unclaimed property division: