ChickensUpcycle Baby Crib into Tiny Chicken Coop

Upcycle Baby Crib into Tiny Chicken Coop

How to Upcycle Baby Crib into Tiny Chicken Coop is an easy do it yourself project is a frugal option for chickens with a large chicken run.

Upcycle Baby Crib into Tiny Chicken Coop

On average, chickens lay about 335 eggs every year, this coupled with the fact that they are one of the easiest farm animals to care for, makes them a great addition to anyone with the available yard space. If the conditions are right, raising free range chickens can produce some of the best tasting eggs you can find.

Chickens are a blessing and a lot of people have come to understand the need of having chickens around them. Obviously, there are many benefits of owning your own chickens. You stand to obtain tastier, healthier and readily available farm fresh eggs right from your own backyard with these birds.

One interesting thing about raising chickens is that they require very little space to raised. A repurposed baby crib can become a small chicken coop for a few yard birds.

Despite being highly productive for the resulting outcome in food production, chickens are generally known to be fairly inexpensive and fast growing.

As a matter of fact, you get a chance to decide what goes into the making of the final product when you raise your own chickens. But first and foremost, you will need to plan about where your chickens will be kept safe and secure particularly at night when they may want to rest or sleep.

Ultimately, what you should be thinking about is owning a chicken coop large enough to contain your flock. Many may consider this project to be one great adventure. But the truth of the matter is that you do not need to spend that big to get what you want. Simply put, you can make a great chicken coop yourself.

In fact, you can easily own a great looking coop built by you without spending much. All you need to do is to follow the laid out plans and coupled with your imagination and know-how, you’ll surely get it.

Not everyone has the skill, time, or money to have an extravagant chicken coop. Thankfully there are many cheap and easy options. It is important the coop is specifically designed for free range chickens only. These coops are not designed for stays longer than a single night because the space is too small and could cause problems within your flock.

Click here to read about How to Upcycle Baby Crib into Tiny Chicken Coop:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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